Sunday, September 2, 2007

sick at 3am

Let's see, it's almost 3am and I'm wide awake. Have only been able to sleep off and on all night. Damn frogs have kept me up along with lack of my regular Ativan. Of course, the minute I awake and start walking around, I get sick to my stomach and spend the rest of the morning trying for cures to soothe my tummy. Right now, I'm watching Fullmetal Alchemist (more on the anime later), doing my best to update my blog and drinking Chammomile tea. (Funny story: I had a past ex who pronounced it Cha-mow-lee).

On another note, I've been thinking about the benefits Kris Carr discovered through the use of wheat grass and I've been wondering if something similar wouldn't be of advantage in my case. The only thing is my stomach is so sensitive, I'm not sure if even some kind of vegtable juice would do my more harm than good.
ugh! More sickness.....more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi. I never did figure out a cure for the stomach blues. The docs always told me to "take your anti-nausea pills." But I found that they sometimes made things worse...

The girl that I nanny for was telling me about that show. She LOVES it... it sounded uber sad, though. I'll have to check it out one day.

Hope you are feeling better!