Tuesday, July 31, 2007

midnight snack

I got out of bed to satisfy my cheese and pickles craving......watched Tegan and Sara on Conan....."surfed" online on MySpace.....do people surf online anymore? What about walk? or run? or bicycle? I biked online today. Today, I didn't do anything but skate online...hhmmm


Anonymous said...

...pickles and cheese? So what were YOU dreamin' about? Obviously not tiara's. Was that MY birthday tiara that Grammie had? Maybe she was there! Ya know, I have not seen it lately...Hhmmm...
Seriously, I love your blog, and the beautiful pic...I think you look like a Celtic Faerie Princess!!!
Kisses to you and my Oz-Bo Grandkitty.
...on the 'flip'.

Anonymous said...

You like pickles and cheese too? I had no idea anyone else thought of that as a snack!

I googled it to find out if someone did and your post was one that came up.